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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Haven't blogged for a while.....

Kind of at in a rough patch.  Had to get through some briars and thorns to get this far.  Hopefully, things will start to settle down.  What to do when your child does not believe in God?  Not just religion, but actually doubts the existence of God???  I am perplexed.  I understand teenage rebellion - very well in fact.  But regardless of my rebelliousness, I always knew there was a higher power I would have to answer to and could also turn to for help.  He has helped me so much in my life - "deserving" or not.  He helps me every day.  He is my reason for moving forward.  He is my inertia.  I can't imagine how dreary life would be without him.  And I am scared for my child who insists on ignoring his presence.  I know I can only keep trying to teach him.  And keep trying to help him see how much Heavenly Father loves him.  But in the end it will be something else that will drive him to his Lord and Savior.  I only hope that it isn't devastating.  I have such a strong testimony that my Heavenly Father has been there for me.  He has guided me in my life and he has helped me to be who I am today.  I love my child with all of my heart.  My heart is aching for him to have a better relationship with his Heavenly Father.  I am praying fervently for Heavenly Father to soften his heart and let His love in.  I am thankful for my own testimony and my ability to have the faith that someday Heavenly Father will be able to reach this very precious spirit.